


+43 699 10 66 05 99

Was man über Constantin wissen muss

Der reisefreudige Surferboy

I’m Constantin. Nice to meet you! Every relationship has something beautiful, mysterious and unique, which makes it so interesting and special to be captured. As a visual storyteller, I am passionate about findig out who you are and telling your story through powerful, emotional and gripping images. I love the idea of visualising and bringing something to live, that usually can only be felt; LOVE – limitless, unpredictable, without boundaries, in the most natural, authentic and unchained way possible.

On camera, love can take many faces. It can be a gentle smile, it can be a passionate hug or a silent look. I am thrilled to invite you on an exciting journey, to explore what it might look for you, and guarantee you, that it will be an amazing ride and a huge blast.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Until then, stay sharp, have fun and enjoy life!

Much love, Constantin

Das erwartet euch

Arbeiten von Constantin

In aller Kürze gesagt

Steckbrief zu Constantin

meine erfahrungen

WIe mich andere oft sehen

109 Hochzeiten

energetisch & neugierig

meine Lieblingsperson ist

nichts macht mich glücklicher als


neues zu entdecken

Ich bin süchtig nach:

Hochzeitfotograf bin ich sei

5 Jahren


Mein perfekter ausgleich

Reisen & Surfen

Einige Dinge die ihr über mich wissen solltet